Southern Progressives

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National News:

State News:

Local News:

FROM ATHENS UTILITIES BOARD: Over the past few days, a few

Athens Utilities customers have called in saying their water has a funny

taste to it. Etowah Utilities recently put out a news release about the

same issue. “This taste that some sense in the water is apparently due to

Hiwassee River water, which supplies AUB some of the treated water

that is distributed on our system,” said AUB’s Wayne Scarbrough. “This

is not a new issue by any means. There is not a problem with the water

from a health standpoint in any way. But there is, for some, a strange

‘earthy’ taste,” he said. This taste is apparently the result of seasonal

changes in the Hiwassee River or in the lake that feeds it. “The seasonal

changes can include algae growth or simple water turnover, as colder

water falls and warmer water rises, which can bring on the strange taste

some people sense and some don’t,” he said. “That is what we’ve been

seeing on our water system, particularly with customers who live closer

to the pipe that transports treated water to Athens from the Hiwassee

Utilities Commission (HUC), which gets its water from the river. But

some customers who live on the same road taste nothing,” Scarbrough

said. “We’ve seen the same thing at AUB. We have had several people

to taste water that we have collected from different points on the system.

Some taste a little something while others sense no difference in the current water and water from their past experience,” Scarbrough said. The

water that comes to Athens Utilities from HUC is perfectly safe to drink,

even if you do sense that slight ‘earthy’ taste. The water has been fully

treated and tested by HUC and meets all safe drinking water standards.

“We feel certain that this odd taste some can sense in their water will go

away soon with the seasonal change and the flow of the Hiwassee River

getting back to normal,” Scarbrough said

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