Southern Progressives (1)

Moving to the left one post at a time

National News

I love the contrast of Biden doing the work that makes our country and world safer, while Trump sits at a defendant’s table in New York desperately struggling to keep his mouth shut.

State News:

The below laws are the result of having a super majority of Republicans passing laws against the will of the people of this state.

Why is TN in national news never good? "The Tennessee bill would allow school staffers to carry only handguns, and only in schools whose top administrators have agreed. Teachers who wish to do so would be required to have gun permits, undergo a background check and mental health evaluation, and take 40 hours of training annually.

Those carrying guns would be liable if anything went wrong: Under the legislation, school districts and law enforcement agencies would be immune from any related claims of monetary damages, even if a teacher intentionally carried out a shooting or if a student was [sic] accidentally shot....

The bill does not provide a framework for the state to track how many teachers are armed and where, lay out any protocol for dealing with a teacher-involved shooting or establish requirements for storage of guns. Democrats also questioned whether the training would be enough to equip a teacher to confront a gunman who has a semiautomatic weapon." Below is what the Republican party in TN wants in our public schools instead of controlling guns in our community.

Meet our new Republican Tennessee Teacher

Local News & Arts:

Political Cartoon:

Right where he belongs


Coalition Calendar: April


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