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Athens Community Theatre (ACT) has announced that auditions for the beloved Rogers & Hammerstein musical The Sound of Music. Auditions are Sunday and Monday, November 12th and 13th at The Arts Center. Sunday’s audition is at 4pm, and Monday’s audition is at 6:30pm. Show dates for The Sound of Music are February 15-25, 2024.

The Arts:


Many people I talk to say that fall is their favorite season. It is nice while it lasts, but for myself, all I think about is that winter is knocking on the door. Most of you know that I hate winter. But it is something we must deal with. We are having pretty weather, so this is the time to prepare for that dreaded winter season. It is never too early to be prepared. If you take certain precautions, you will get through the winter with ease.

In this article, you will learn some ways to make sure that you will get through winter without too many problems. Hopefully you will learn some basic tricks to avoid too many problems this winter.

One thing that can help you prepare for a change in the weather is a weather radio. This specialized radio is designed to receive a public broadcast service, typically from government-owned radio stations dedicated to broadcasting weather forecasts on a continuing basis. Routine weather reports will be interrupted by emergency weather reports, such as an approaching snowstorm. It can be programed to sound an alarm and switch to a pre-tuned weather channel for emergency information. It can also broadcast non-weather-related emergency information, such as a child abduction, natural disaster or a terrorist attack.

Weather radios can be purchased at many locations such as Lowe’s and Best Buy or from Amazon. When you purchase a weather radio, please see the instructions that come with the radio for programming information. If you purchase the radio for an older adult, you want to make sure it is programmed first.

The temperatures in the last few days have been so pleasant, but cold temperatures will be here soon. Winter is inevitable. Everyone should start thinking now about how to make the winter months safe and comfortable. You don’t want to wait until winter hits to make your preparations. If you have a family member who is unable to perform any of these suggestions, without a doubt, they would appreciate help with this. If you are a caregiver, you should also assist in helping with this.

What is your priority during the winter months? Staying warm! This is especially critical for those seniors who have chronic health conditions that make them more susceptible to cold temperatures. You need to make sure that your home’s heating system is in good working order before the cold temperatures hit. You may have already been using the heat, but if you haven’t, now is a good time to turn it on to be sure it is producing efficient heat. It is a good decision to make an appointment with a reputable HVAC technician for an annual system inspection and cleaning to ensure your heat is running efficiently and safely on that first really cold day. If your system is unmaintained, it will use more power which will increase your heating bill.

Another important thing to remember about your heating unit is to regularly change the filter. The U.S. Department of Energy says that replacing a dirty filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioner’s energy consumption by 5 to 10%. A dirty filter will restrict your air flow, causing your system to work harder. This will cause wear and can create issues that require repairs. Also, continuous wear on your system will lower the lifespan of your unit. There is really no set rule about when to change it. Anytime you see an accumulation of dirt on the filter, it is good to change it. Just don’t wait until it is completely filthy, because that means your heating and cooling system is not running at its full potential. If you or anyone else has allergies, you will want to change your filter more often. Another thing to consider is if you have pets. Dogs and cats shed, and their hair gets everywhere. That includes your filters. If you have multiple pets in your home, you will have to change your filter even more often. Another thing that will determine how often you change your filter is the type of filter you purchase. You may think that by buying a cheap one you are saving money. But having a cheap one means you will have to change it more often. In the long run, the cost will probably be the same as buying a quality filter.

Fireplaces and chimneys are the cause of 42% of home heating fires. If you use a wood burning fireplace, the National Fire Protection Agency says that it needs to be cleaned at least once a year by a professional chimney sweeper to remove soot and debris. A dirty chimney can catch on fire and destroy your entire house. Have them check to be sure the top of the chimney has a cap with wire mesh sides to keep out birds, squirrels, and leaves. Sometimes birds will build nests in a chimney that will catch on fire. Check the damper to make sure it is working correctly. If your fireplace allows smoke in the house, then have it checked. The smoke is supposed to go out the chimney, not into the house. Also, be sure you always have a fire extinguisher close by. Keep the damper closed when not in use to prevent your heat from going out the chimney. Fireplaces can be nice to have, but they aren’t meant to be the primary source of heat. It is best not to be used over five hours at a time. And lastly, make sure you have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in your home. A good rule of thumb is to change the batteries in these detectors when the time changes, which will be Sunday, Nov. 5, at 2 a.m.

Another way to make sure you are prepared for winter is to check your windows and doors so that they will keep in the heat. Check the weather stripping and caulk around your windows and doors. Inspect wooden window frames, check for rot and decay and check the panes of your windows for cracks or gaps. If you find any problems in these areas, replace or repair them to make sure they are sealed tight against the cold air.

Also, keep your curtains and drapes open in the daylight to let in the warm sun and closed at night to help prevent heat loss.

Also, turn your ceiling fan switch to the position that will blow the air from the ceiling down, keeping the heat that rises closer to you.

There are some things that need to be done outside to get ready for winter. Winter is when seniors are most likely to fall and break a hip. To reduce fall risk in winter weather, invest in non-skid shoes or boots. Plan to have the snow removed from sidewalks and driveways if possible. Shoveling snow or even walking through heavy snow can put a strain on your heart and cause a heart attack. The best advice is to stay inside and stay warm when it snows.

In case you must stay inside because of snow or a power outage, be sure your pantry is stocked with shelf stable supplies that you don’t have to cook.

Be sure you have enough medicine for a few days. Make sure you know where the extra blankets and flashlights are. Use candles only as a last option.

Twenty percent of candle fires occur during power outages.

Something else that needs to be done outside is making sure that the gutters are free of leaves and dirt. It is probably not a good idea for older adults to climb up a ladder to check the gutters. Arrange for someone to do this for you. It is important because a clogged gutter can cause water to stand in it and freeze and cause the gutter to break off your house.

Just remember, if you are unable to do some of these repairs and inspections on your own, have a friend, family member or trusted handyman assist you. These winter preparations won’t take long and will give you peace of mind during the long, cold season. With a thorough inspection and a few repairs, when necessary, you can prevent damage to your house and ensure that it will keep you warm and dry during the coming winter. Doing all these things to make your winter a little more tolerable will make winter not so bad. After all, spring won’t be far away.

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