Southern Progressives

Moving to the left one post at a time

National News

The way to evaluate any source of information is to balance how much is devoted to facts and how much is devoted to speculation. Facts are verifiable. All writing has some slant, so be sensitive to the slant. If what you are consuming is mostly speculation and opinion, you are being entertained and your emotions are being manipulated. On the other hand, if what you are consuming is mostly facts, you are being informed. - Terii Kanefield

State News:

Local News & Arts:


The Juneteenth Community Celebration is set to take place on Saturday, June 22 from 10 am - 2 pm at J.L. Cook Memorial Park (414 Cook Dr. in Athens). There will be live music, food, and dancers. This free event is a Celebration of Culture and is open to the public and for all ages.

Political Cartoon:



Coalition Calendar: (click on the calendar to get to web page for May.)


or to participate.