Southern Progressives

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National News

State News:

Local News:

Democracy Day Dinner was a rousing success

The dinner had Gloria Johnson as speaker last night and she had standing ovations at the beginning and ending of her speech. She talked about the changes she is seeing across the state and the growth of Democrats coming out to dinners like this one. The dinner was held at the train depot in Niota and the building itself gave such a rich historical setting to the dinner, as if this is where we came from and the dinner was where we are going. There was a silent auction with many donated items along the wall that people bid on. The whole dinner was well run and organized with beautiful settings at each table. I heard more than once how wonderful it was to have so many Democrats gathered together in one place. McMinn Democratic Party did themselves proud this night representing Democrats and showing the way forward towards the future of the party both in the state and county.

The Arts:


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