Southern Progressives

Moving to the left one post at a time

National News:

State News:

Local News:

I'd like to comment on what I saw yesterday in our State. I saw three legislators standing up for their values and speaking out, breaking rules and creating "good trouble." I saw the majority in our legislature coming down harder than they needed to trying to push back the tide of young people shouting their concern, worries and fears of gun violence in our community and especially in our schools.

The Republicans made the fatal mistake of letting Justin Jones near a microphone, his eloquence was apparent as he spoke, not for himself, he made that clear over and over again, he spoke for the people that voted for him to speak for them and he did again and again. Gloria Johnson spoke from her heart again and again as well and I could feel her compassion rise up as she spoke. The other young man was still being voted on when I stopped watching.

The majority of legislators were exposed again and again for who they are to the whole nation. They are in the majority and will not put up with a different point of view even if that point of view is about the safety of children being slaughtered in our schools. It was more important to put the three legislators in their place than it was to address gun violence in our state. Their pettiness was on display for the whole nation to watch and be disgusted by their lack of democratic values on display because they are in the majority and could do what they wanted. So they showed their ignorance and ham-fisted force by trying to kick these three who chose to want to make a change in the way we have been doing things in this state.

Now it is up to us the people, do we continue to let this happen? Do we support Republican majority not letting other values and voices be heard? Or do we vote in others with a better understanding of democratic values, who respect other points of views, and want a hearty debate on the issues of our state to make our state the wonderful state it could be?

The Arts:


or to participate.