Southern Progressives

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Action Alert: Contact Your State Senator Today

A few weeks ago, the House K-12 Subcommittee tabled all of the strong amendments to the third-grade retention law and passed Rep. White's bill that will only slightly alter the parameters for test-based retention. The next day, this measure passed the Senate education committee with several dissenting votes.

Governor Lee has strong-armed the House and Senate to keep retention in place even if this means ignoring parents, teachers and school admins in their districts.

The good news is, our legislators are feeling the tension between the governor's wishes and those of their constituents. We need to continue to drive this message home. 

As this measure continues to move through committees and to a final vote, please contact your state senators and remind them that:

1. Retention should be determined by teachers, parents and their local education agencies, not standardized tests

There are rare cases where repeating a grade might be in the best interest for a student. This decision is a complex one, and should be based on a variety of academic and social-emotional factors. The people who are best positioned to make those decisions are those who work most closely with students: teachers, parents, and school administrators. Standardized tests should not be the primary determinant.

2. Increase funding for early intervention in kindergarten through second grade

We need more focus on very early evaluation for struggling readers, and a robust program of academic support and interventions beginning in kindergarten and continuing as long as needed. These programs need to be funded.

Click here for talking points, legislator contact info and a template script.

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