Southern Progressives

Moving to the left one post at a time

National News:

Nice breakdown of the Democratic Party:

State News:

Time and again we've seen Governor Lee and this Tennessee Republican supermajority make damaging decisions that put political posturing over the health and well-being of Tennesseans. Despite the fact that we get 40% of our state budget from the federal government and would be in even more dire straits without it, GOP leadership makes a big show of rejecting funds from certain programs if they think it will help their personal political ambitions.Rejecting Medicaid expansion comes to mind, which has cost us $24 BILLION and counting even as we lead the nation in medical bankruptcies.Recently it was the rejection of federal HIV prevention funds, which many say will lead to much pain and suffering and allow the deadly disease to proliferate in our communities senselessly.Now the latest shortsighted, nakedly political front in this war on common sense being waged by Governor Lee, Speaker Sexton and their allies is their threat to reject federal education funding used to help the most disadvantaged kids in our state.Yes, Speaker Sexton recently said in a meeting with donors, and Governor Lee has now confirmed, that they plan to look at REJECTING $1.8 BILLION in federal funds intended for children.Why? Because they say the funds come with strings in the form of federal rules they don't like having to comply with. Which rules? Sexton's answer: "XYZ."He couldn't even be bothered to get specific.The US ED DEPT said “This political posturing will impede the basic education of young people — particularly students most in need… they should answer to local educators & parents in their community.” 

Exactly. If we have to replace federal funds, take it AND use them.

It's political posturing, plain and simple.Lee and Sexton are using funds intended to help disadvantaged children to pander to right-wing extremists who see the federal government as the enemy, because they have been told that it is for so long.It's modern-day secessionism, except legislators don't have the stones to fully push for us to secede, because deep down they know how disastrous (and unpopular) it would be to suddenly blow a 40% hole in our state budget by rejecting ALL the federal funds we rely on (as one of the most federally-reliant states in the country) - so instead they pick and choose based on what they think will score them political points, no matter who gets hurt.They have to be called out for this. They have to be held accountable.We'll continue to do our part. We hope you will too.

Local News:

McMinn County Schools is proud to announce the launch of our weekly column, which will keep the community and families informed on the latest news and events within our school system.

Fostering stronger ties between schools and families will be a major focus of the new McMinn County Schools Parent and Family Engagement Liaison. If you have any questions or concerns, or require assistance with any resources, please contact Angie Dahle at 423-745-1612, ext. 1318.

As part of our commitment to excellence, McMinn County Schools recently celebrated National School Counseling Week, which took place the week of Feb. 6-10. Our schools are fortunate to have talented and dedicated counselors who consistently go above and beyond to support our students, families, and staff.

Because your feedback is crucial to us, we would like to encourage you to participate in our annual Parent and Family Engagement Online Survey. This survey is available until Feb. 20. You can access the survey in both English and Spanish on our website and social media channels.

Exciting activities are planned for next week in our schools.

You can learn more about these special events by visiting the McMinn Monthly Newsletter section on our website,

McMinn County Schools district-wide events scheduled to be held at the E.G. Fisher Public Library include a Scavenger Hunt for grades 3-5 on Feb. 23 at 5:30 p.m. This promises to be a fun-filled event for both students and parents! Other important dates to mark on your calendar include the district-wide Literacy Nights at the E.G. Fisher Public Library on March 2 for sixth to eighth grade students and on March 9 for grades K-2, both events starting at 5:30 p.m.

The Tennessee Department of Education and the Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation are offering free reading resources for students in grades K-2 to promote and support the literacy partnership between schools and families.

To access these resources, please visit

Start planning now for summer learning opportunities for your child. Summer Bridge Camp will be held for students in upcoming grades 1-8 at each McMinn County Elementary School from June 5-30. High School Boot Camps, for upcoming freshmen, will be held from June 5-16. More details forthcoming.

Tennessee Wesleyan University is providing a community opportunity for your student in recognition of National Children’s Dental Health Month. They will be providing free dental cleanings, x-rays, and sealants for children up to 17 years of age. To schedule an appointment, please call 423-252-1475.

McMinn County Schools is committed to providing healthy meal options and is pleased to offer a selection of fresh fruits and Mayfield’s milk with each lunch meal.

You can view each weekly menu on school websites and on McMinn County Schools’ Facebook page.

Please note that McMinn County Schools will be closed on Feb. 20 in observance of Presidents Day.

We hope that all families have a wonderful, restful and long weekend.

The Arts:


or to participate.