Southern Progressives

Moving to the left one post at a time

National News

State News:

Local News:

By now you have likely heard that E.G. Fisher Public Library’s Rainbow Book month display was removed. The library’s Collection Development Policy says: "Materials available in the Library present a diversity of viewpoints, enabling citizens to make informed choices necessary in a democracy. The library’s acquisition and display of these items does not constitute the endorsement of their content but rather makes available its expression."

This removal was done by only two members of the council and without following any stated procedures when a display is challenged.

We disagree with the decision by these council members and as citizens of Athens and McMinn County, we should have a say in these decisions.

We encourage you to contact the city council to show support for this display, and furthermore ask that you plan to attend the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 20 at 6 pm at City Hall. Citizens may also request to speak.

Information on Athens City Council can be found here.

In solidarity,

My Thoughts:

I don’t understand what it’s like to be a gay person. I fit in with the majority of people being a straight white male my whole life. I understand gay people are attracted to the same gender they are, they love who they love. I don’t understand the fear they go through living in an area that doesn’t understand them. Having a display in our library is an attempt to provide information about the gay community so that we can better understand.

Our libraries around the country lately have seen an increase in banning books that offend people. This Gay Pride display apparently has offended some people in our community and they would like for it to be removed.

You can remove the display, but the gay community is a part of this community and always will be and they are not going away. They are among us, sometimes unknown and unseen by us trying to fit in as best they can.

They don’t want or need your approval, just your understanding of who they are and the respect afforded to all humans living their lives as best they can.

So you can take down the display and remain ignorant of a large part of our community or leave it up to better understand and respect the choices made by contributing members of our community.

Bill Freeman

The Arts:


or to participate.