Southern Progressives

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National News:

State News:

Local News:

The governing body of McMinn County will convene and meet

in the Blue Room of the McMinn County Courthouse in Regular

Session on March 20th at 7:30 pm for: Approval of Bids and Purchases; Review and Approval of Contracts; Approval of Budget

Amendments; Comments from the Audience; Resolutions; Reports

from Committees, County Officials, Comments from Commissioners; Comments from the County Mayor; Approval of Notary Applications; and will transact such other business as may legally

come before the Commissioners.

The McMinn County Properties Committee will meet on Monday, March 20th in the Blue Room at 6:15 pm to review the bid for

a new ambulance station.

The McMinn County Election Commission will meet in regular

session Tuesday, March 21st at 5 pm in the conference room of the

McMinn County Courthouse. The commission will conduct any

election business to legally come before the board.

The Arts:


or to participate.