Southern Progressives

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National News:

State News:

Local News:

The 2023 McMinn County Rabies Clinic

will be conducted from Monday, May 1st through Saturday, May 6th. The cost of the rabies shot will be $12.00. The rabies vaccinations can be obtained from the following veterinary offices during

their regular office hours. Please call them ahead of time for an

appointment. The Animal Clinic of Athens, 745-7436; Athens

Small Animal Hospital 252-0558; Family & Friend Pet Clinic, 745

-8107; Mecca Pike Animal Hospital, 263-1704; Home Vet, Home

Visits ONLY, 800-529-5815 (Slight charge for home visit);

McMinn Regional Humane Society Spay & Neuter Clinic 649-

0370 (Animal must be spayed or neutered) Sweetwater Veterinary

Hospital, 351-7122; Offutt Veterinary Service, 745-6564. Make

your appointment now! Please note that the reduced fees will only

be available during the rabies clinic dates. Cats & dogs should receive their first rabies vaccination as soon as possible after 3

months of age, but certainly by 6 months of age. State law requires

ALL dogs and cats have a current rabies vaccination. For more

information, contact Missy Wolford with the McMinn County

Health Department at 745-7431extension 15 or 423-618-3189.

The Arts:


or to participate.